terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010


People change...
Things broke...
Time pasts
and doesn't come back anymore...
It's just life...

quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010


We too often love things
and use people when we
should be loving people
and using thigs.

Love ~

Love is one of the most beatiful feelings.
Nobody lives without love.
When we feel the real love, we give everything, no matter what we'll receive back.
We aren't selfish.
We think about others first.
Everybody needs love, to be loved and love back.


Forgiveness is a really gosgeous thing.
It's carry with you a light heart.
It's not think about what could have been if I had forgiven someone, 'cause you have already done this, and God blessed you in that moment.
So, don't carry with you a heavy heart full of remorse, forgive.
You may think it's difficult, but it's not.
Difficult is to forget, so while you can't forget, forgive.
Forgiveness worths.


Nobody is so wise that
he doesn't have something to learn.
Nobody is so simple that
he doesn't have something to teach.

Good Humor

Having a good humor you'll differ from the others.
You'll be enthusiastic.
You'll smile.
You'll be optimist and, mainly,
You'll let others glad for being beside you.
So make it possible to be in a good mood, it costs nothing!

Political Corruption

Political corruption is the biggest corruption showed nowadays in our country.
This kind of corruption comes from those people who dress good clothes, have great cars and houses, live in rich streets, etc.
They don't have a gun, they don't come from the poor streets,
they don't loose their families to the violence on the streets,
they have a place to sleep, they have what to eat,
they simply don't have dignity and aren't considered guilty.

sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010


To forgive is to set
a prisoner free and
discover the prisoner
was you!!!


Faith is one of the most powerful things in our world.
It's believe in Someone,
Someone who gave you this world, your life,
your family, everything what you have,
not in youe pocket, but in your heart.
It's believe in Someone who is always
looking after you and helping you in
all the moments of your life.

In Defense of Ecology

To defend ou ecology, our environment, every one of us should be conscious about what could happen.
We are billion of human beings which depend of our planet's resources,
we depend of the water, the land, the oxygen, but we do not value and respect these resources which are becoming more and more scarce.
We pollute the water we drink, the oxygen we breath, doing this the future generation,
maybe our sons, daughter or our grandchild won't have any resource to usufruct.
If we don't change our behavior,
what kind of planet we want to let to our children!?
It's a question of conaciousness and not being selfish.

The need for Encouragement

We need encouragement in our lives to make decisions and choices, to choose the right way to follow, to say the right word at the right time. We, simply, need encouragement to live our lives in the way we want to.

sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Making Decisions

Some people, when making a decision, look at things from a very racional point of view, while others see things for a more emocional point of view.
But make a decision is a thing that we do everytime, no matter how we do it.
It doesn't matter it it's about what clothes to wear or even about getting married or not. These are commom decisions and even when we don't want to make them, we have too. It's because of this that sometimes making a decision is a hard thing that we have to do, wanting or not we'll have to coose one thing from another, or when our decisions will afect others around us.
Every single decision of our lives is really important.
Be carefull when making the wrong decisions, because when you change a decision you made, it will afect your whole life.


How is your destination? The only one who knows your destination is God.
Sometimes you need to create what you want to be part of.
Destination isn't just luck, it's choice. It's not something you just expect, but is something you fight for.


Direction is something we need in order to do what we really need or what we want to do.
Defining our direction we determine our destination. If you can't even think about your destination, haw will you know when you have already arrived?
Remember, speed isn't more important than direction!


Spirituality is the part of a person's life that has to do with becoming a better person.
It's through Spirituality that we develop our spirit.
Our actions, feelings and thoughts are part of our Spirituality, but good thought and good feelings are meaningless without good actions.
On the other hand, when you keep your life without good ideas and good atitudes, good actions are, usually, difficult or almost impossible to keep too, however, people around you will judge you by your actions, what you feel and think only matters to yourself.
So, take time to think about yourself ;]

sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010


I want to fly away, but I'm stuck on the ground...

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Feeling like...

...when people seem don't understand you.
...when people never have a second to hear you.
...when people don't care about your feelings.
...when people don't hear your silence.
...when people don't think about their words.

...when life doesn't seem to have a right way to go through.

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010

Laudari a Bonis et vituperani a mais unum atque idem est.

Como o tempo vai o vento veeem!

Por que no fim tudo isso magoa apenas o mesmo tanto.

Religion and Faith

There is many religions in the world, every religion has its God, or even Gods, and it has its faithfuls too. Some of this faithfuls have one religion but they are not sure if they have a God. They go to church and pray, but they nor sure for who they are praying, they don't have faith in what they're doing. God and faith just appear when those people need help. They ask it for Somebody and this Kind Person attend all their supplication, but they forget to thank for it.
Those kind of people should see what God does for all of us. We should be grateful everyday, for every second of our lives because we are still here, we are still living, and no matter where He is, He is always taking care of us.

Remembering a special place...

...I went there every year since I was 8 or 9. My family and I traveled for almost a day to arrive there.
I love that place, when i arrived there I forgot everything. I went to the beach at 6 a.m. for walking and see the sun rise, almost by myself. I had all the time to think about everything, and then I went to the sea, and the water seemed to take all my problems and sadness away, everything bad got out of me in that moment.
I don't know how to explain it in a better way to you, but it's really special.
I got out of there and I think that I would need to wait one more year to come back again.
It's like heaven!


Is there something in the world that is better than a cute child? No there isn't.
Sometimes children get naughty and boring but they can't be perfect forever right?!
They get us sad sometimes but it isn't enough for being in front of all the great moments that they get us glad.
I can't not wait to have mine.

Our Presidents and Mayors - (Brazil)

Well, our president can be a good person but not like our president. We need a reliable person. One person who gives us hope, hope to continue living. One person who can change people's life, who can change the world.
About mayors, well, here people don't care about the candidate, they really care about the candidate's party. People don't see the candidate's virtue, their real values and habilities. Most people just see the power, the authority and, mainly, the money but it isn't enough to make the difference ia a city.
I have just one hint to you: when you vote, choose one candidate for who he really is and not for what he has or who he seems to be.